Personal Vehicle Tracking
We provide our security solutions to help you safeguard your personal vehicles as well as loved ones with the most technologically advanced GPS tracking software and app. We help you track your vehicle in real-time and receive alerts so that you can prevent your vehicle from theft, as well as your underage kids trying to be adventurous! The personal tracking services can benefit you in the following ways:
- Use our tracking system to keep track of your teenager. Know their whereabouts and set alerts if they over speed or go to an out-of-bounds area.
- Keep track of your car at all times and prevent theft. You can even recover it with the help of our solutions if it ever is stolen.
The Damia Trackers
The Damia Trackers have the following features that make them the best trackers available out there:
- Water Proof
- Cuts Engine Remotely
- Accurate Detection
- Main Power off alarm
- Built-in high sensitivity GPS and GSM antenna
- over speed alarm & Geo-Fence alarm
- GPS/GSM/GPRS/SMS positioning
- SMS tracking on cell phone
- Website access
- Mobile app
- Technical and customer support
The Damia Trackers
The Damia Trackers have the following features that make them the best trackers available out there:
- Water Proof
- Cuts Engine Remotely
- Accurate Detection
- Main Power off alarm
- Built-in high sensitivity GPS and GSM antenna
- over speed alarm & Geo-Fence alarm
- GPS/GSM/GPRS/SMS positioning
- SMS tracking on cell phone
- Website access
- Mobile app
- Technical and customer support
What clients say
"Morbi convallis metus eros, semper efficitur auctor. Etiam sit amet convallis sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia lorem erat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conulorem convallis metus eros!"
Miriam Brown
Seven Media
"Etiam sit amet convallis erat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent lorem ipsum dolor per conubia! Maecenas gravida lacus convallis metus eros. Thanx!"
Richard Green
Seven Media
"From amet to glavrida - convallis metus eros, semper efficitur auctor. Etiam sit amet convallis erat. Class aptent taciti convallis metus eros sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia torquent per conubia lorem!"
Anna Richmond
Seven Media